
Hi! I'm the Creator of Recess On Demand

Ashley DePaulis

As a creator and embodiment practitioner, I offer high achieving women leaders somatic play for resilience, work-life success, and moving beyond burnout to thrive in mind-body-spirit. Start Setting Your Default to Play—check out the tools I have below and sign up for my e-news for more inspiration and updates!

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🌀 Mojo mastery — final call P4P! 📞

"Mojo" is often used to describe a person's personal power, charisma, or influence, reflecting their ability to attract or positively influence others. It's associated with a state of confidence, energy, and effectiveness. I felt like I lost my mojo for most of last year, but surprisingly, football season started to bring me back to life. This wasn't the first time my mojo tanked, so I knew ways to support myself. I like to notice and follow what activates me, even if it doesn't make sense....

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there, I have a mindset shift for you today, Reader!Are you ready for it?Pausing actually grants you more time than it takes away, especially when you take them on purpose and for play. ➡️ What would change for you if you start to see pausing, slowing down, and taking breaks as investments that give back more than they take?! If you workout you know the importance of rest breaks. The same applies to work. When you're intentional about taking breaks, you set yourself up for success. Try...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,Love's energy extends beyond February, yet here we are! Back in my health policy days, I was the lead on cardiovascular health initiatives, and part of that was covering Heart Month every February. As the Cardiovascular Queen 👸, I shared stats and best practices to combat heart disease. While physical activity and nutrition took center stage, emotions' impact on heart health went unnoticed at the time. Now, the HeartMath Institute sheds light on this connection. Drawing from their...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there, I've got some exciting news to share, and I couldn't wait to let you in on it! 🎉Remember that masterclass I asked you to save the date for? Well, there's a little backstory that adds an extra layer of magic, Reader. Lately, I've been chatting about my desire to bring more in-person events to life and team up with awesome individuals and businesses. It's not just lip service – I've been out there, meeting new faces, and intentionally seeking opportunities that feel aligned with my...

4 months ago • 2 min read

In the dance between worry and wonder, this week unfolded as a tale woven by the universe itself, revealing its subtle support in unexpected corners, Reader. The overture began on Monday—a follow-up breast exam day marked by echoes of uncertainty. Yet, the news brought a reassuring melody, a clear and good note of relief. On my way to the exam, my Uber driver became more than a street navigator; she became a companion. In that car ride, our stories intertwined, painting a beautiful picture of...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Embrace the shift from worry to wonder this December, Reader! Have you gifted yourself the joy of wonder lately? I've been reflecting on this throughout the year—the transition from worry to wonder, practicing it daily. I notice it flows effortlessly when I'm outdoors or moving, yet becomes more challenging during extended periods of sitting. Does that resonate with you?Picture the world with the wide-eyed curiosity of a child, free from assumptions and adult logic. Let the awe of childlike...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Gratitude + Gathering 🍃 Join me for a play walk in Denver's Cheesman Park Reader! That's right, let's gather IRL for a play walk on National Play Outside Day, Saturday, December 2nd. I've been wanting to gather a walking group and what better time to kick it off than in December, when the season's demands can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and more stress. Joining our play walk offers a special blend of self-love and care, providing a refreshing and sociable way to step outdoors,...

5 months ago • 1 min read

It's Friday, Reader and I bet you're in need of an energy boost or looking to release some built-up emotions from the week. Well, I've got you covered! No need for equipment or workout gear—just stand up from your chair and join me for a brief recess movement break. If you can, take it outside for an extra refreshing vibe. You’ll reduce inflammation, stimulate melatonin, and regulate your nervous system all at once. 🌅 Unlock the power of your body-mind connection: Your gut reactions,...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Did you know that today is National Play Outside Day, Reader? It's celebrated on the first Saturday of every month! 🎉 Don't forget to mark it on your calendar and plan for outdoor fun all the way into 2024! It's the perfect occasion to celebrate the beauty of the natural world, recharge your energy, and reconnect with your inner child. 🍃 The most heartwarming part of my week has been reuniting with friends as we embraced the fresh air and sunshine. The simple delight of walking and talking...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Looking to infuse a little more joy and vitality into your day? There's a good chance you're overlooking some hidden energy sources that can make a big difference. It's vital to tune into your energy needs. Here's the deal: If you're not actively replenishing your energy and continuously depleting your reserves without realizing it, you'll find yourself in an energy deficit. Climbing out of that hole feels a million times harder than simply taking a few moments throughout each day to...

7 months ago • 2 min read
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